Photostrip of selfies

I'm a Content Designer living in Seattle, Washington. I use storytelling to build empathy for users. I build trust with users through simplicity, clarity and consistency. 

As a UX professional, I've built frameworks to help travelers plan the next part of their dream trip; simplified data concepts for small business owners analyzing the performance of their social media marketing; and crafted messaging to effectively communicate product value, features, and benefits in 0-1 technology spaces. 

Outside of work, you can find me:

1. At the bakery picking up a "small treat"

2. Trying to convince my husband to take on a new house project

3. Drinking coffee, water, or vintage amari  

4. Riding the carousel two times in a row with my daughters

5. Collecting cookbooks and occasionally cooking out of them

6. Getting my steps in by browsing the antique store